Monthly Archives: October 2016

More On iOS 10

Hi folks. I have more to talk about now, in regards to iOS 10. The main reason is because I have a new iPhone, the iPhone SE. I had to upgrade to it because the other phone was beginning to be a bother. Anyway, let’s forget about that and get on with the rest of this post.
In my last post I mentioned about the music app being well organized but with some flaws in it. I tried deleting music and it didn’t do that, unless I went to the settings option for music or ?Storage & iCloud Usage” options under “General.” I deleted what I had to get rid of and it did the trick.
As for downloading new purchases I don’t know why but, it takes longer than usual to even download an album or an audiobook. I had this experience with this problem ever since iOS 10 came out and I don’t understand why this is. Although, I have set my iPod touch to automatically download music and audiobooks so, it helps somewhat if I purchase whatever it is I want to buy for the iPod touch on the iPhone. Otherwise, this could be a bug which needs to be fixed unless I’m totally wrong on this.
I noticed somewhat the same thing when I tried to download the first episode of The Simpsons Season 28 “Monty Burns Fleeing Circus” onto my iPod Touch. It wouldn’t download for a while and I had to disconnect and reconnect to the wi-Fi network I was using at the time. However, with later episodes it hasn’t been a problem so far.
Okay, as for the iPhone, I find it responds well to iOS 10 but there is one thing I’m curious about. Why can’t I download the enhanced Siri voices onto it, when I can do so on my iPod touch? Not that this is a bad thing but I’m just curious. On the other hand, unlike my previous iPhone I can download the Alex voice and I currently use him as the voice, when I am writing things such as this blog entry. I think it’s a good voice to use when both writing and proofreading things. You get a better idea of how it sounds because Alex breathes and he sounds so human it’s scary.
Overall, I find the latest update for iOS 10 quite useful and I’m looking forward to the next one, whenever it comes out. Also, my new iPhone is doing great and is a real pleasure to work with so far. As for the iPhone 7 or later, I will resist buying those for as long as I can. The reason being, no earphone jack. Need I say more?