Monthly Archives: February 2022

Puppet Master

Folks, I have a quick question for you. I mentioned early into the pandemic there is a secret meeting called Bilderberg and their annual meetings, about what events will happen from June of the current year, to the next meeting in June of the following year. The current anti-government convoys are such an event! My question is, who in these convoys attended the meeting? Which Illuminati member is funding the convoys throughout the world and pulling the strings, as to when they start and end?

Media commentators and political pundits are saying that this is not a grassroots effort and that there is someone behind the scenes, funding convoys, such as the current Canadian Convoy and Ottawa Ontario! Who in any of these groups involved is an illuminati member? Was it Donald Trump himself who started all this? I mention him because, conservative politicians are cheering these people on and I bet that Mr. Trump is also as happy as a feline, about these alleged grassroots people standing up to the man, about COVID-19 vaccine mandates for truckers and the hope that all vaccine mandates will end . I wanna know, because I wanna know who is the shit head behind all this lawlessness and pulling the strings for these puppets.

These people say there is no leader, but there are some people who speak for them and speak on various social media platforms, which are accessible to the media. They will occasionally speak to main stream media, but there is one puppet master pulling the strings. Who is he or she? No, I’m not gonna believe that it’s any of the names we have heard mentioned, who shall remain nameless in this blog. They are not the leaders, as they have no leader. The only leader is someone at the top, who is the puppet master and probably some rich billionaire to, who is also silent. Who are they and will they reveal themselves? If people wanna get into conspiracy theories, this is the ultimate conspiracy theory that these people in their trucks, doing blockades and being a general pain in the ass, are being manipulated by one such puppet master Illuminati member and I wanna know who What is their role in our daily lives and who else do they control, to keep us either entertained, or moving?. What other skulduggery could be going on that we don’t know about? Are they a member of Skull and Bones, or some other secret society? I’m just asking!

Imminent Danger and Hypocrisy

Hi folks. Today I will recap what freedom fightersare and the trucker convoy protests and some of the hypocrisy surrounding them, as well as my message to the protesters/ocupiers. What are freedom fighters? What the hell are freedom fighters fighting? Freedom?

I think that George Carlin said it best when he joked, “if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight”? They say they’re fighting for freedom, but that goes against the context of the word freedom fighter. They’re fighting for freedom? No, they’re fighting against our freedom and fighting for their own personal freedoms from regulation and The rule of law. That’s why George carlin joked that Contra killers are called freedom fighters. These killers are fighting for their freedom and that’s why. Freedom fighters is just another euphemism, for either a trucker convoy protester, or a Contra killer. If you don’t believe me, listen to this classic George Carlin routine from 1990.

The protesters are said to be right wing extremists, who worship Donald Trump and his whacked out theories. This includes White supremacy and I’ll have more to say about that later. Let’s take a look at The difference between right wing and left wing politics and I’m going to use George Carlin’s example of what it is, as I am not a , with Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again”, which was his plan to create a country of only white people, who are not disabled and believe in total freedom. On the left, Justin Trudeau and his”sunny ways and sunny days” concept, of letting in all sorts of people from countries who have been under the rule of dictatorship. Fine, but both men have nothing but ego and do not show humility, towards the power they wield. In other words, we have extreme right and extreme left it on the left, it’s all about climate change and climate change protests, with the imminent danger of something happening, which could spark deprivation of electricity and running water. On the right wing side, it’s all about freedom and freedom to do whatever we please, even if that includes committing crime. Either way, it’s bad on both sides and Canada needs to get back to the middle ground, where we once were. Anyway, I digress.

Now let’s look at the hypocrisy surrounding the convoy. They’re fighting for freedom? No, not yours and mine. They hate the main stream media, yet they will talk to certain news organizations when it is to their benefit. For example: last week one member said that they would pull up steaks and go to Toronto. It didn’t happen and the same guy said he was playing a game with the Ottawa police, talking to a main stream media outlet (namely) The Toronto Star..

These people are fighting for freedom? No, not for your freedom but their own. What they really want is to govern the country under an authoritarian rule of dictatorship and they want to turn Canada into a communist country, of right wingers. They want to depopulate Canada of those who are not white, fully able-bodied and who do not share their beliefs. Yes, there are white supremacists in the group and they do not take kindly to those who are disabled. As an example: there’s an episode of the TV show sue Thomas FBI, where an elderly Deaf woman is having a conversation, with the main character (Sue Thomas) who is also deaf and can speak. She finds out that years ago, this woman was put into some sort of concentration camp, simply because she was deaf. It turns out that the leader of the group who put her there was still alive and still leading the group, but in the guise of white supremacists Who had drafted a manifesto, part of which was to wipe out white people from all governments. Thankfully, the FBI managed to stop them before the group could unleash anthrax.

In case you are wondering why I had included this episode as part of the discussion in this post, sadly because of white supremacy. Yes, I know that it was aired after September 11 and the whole anthrax scare, but I put the link here to give you an idea of how things could be like if these convoy ne’er-do-wells succeed. I don’t mean by claiming victory for vaccine mandates in Canada lifting, or the change of leader ship of the Conservative Party of Canada, while the victory of getting out of the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada belongs to the vaccinated, including myself and not to them.

If you have the time to examine every aspect of the convoy and all of its moving parts, I’m sure you can find more hypocrisies. One thing is for sure, that these people are insane and need to be dealt with harshly. Unfortunately, as Canadians we are not wired that way. We are nice people and these thugs are nothing less than selfish sons of bitches, who hate everything we stand for in Canada. In other words, these are professional protesters (who could also be thought of as domestic terrorists) who are using kids in some of the trucks as human shields. As for the moderates, they believe in what they are porotesting against, but at some point they will want to leave before being taken in. They do not want to be arrested, as this would be a badge of honor, for the hard-core people involved. They have no problem with being put in handcuffs and I think, most of these people actually want to be arrested, so that they can wine and complain about tyranny. Ironically, that’s what they want Canada to become, a country of tyrants and they will be the tyrants that we the people, will be under. As an example of some of the protesters not giving a shit about being arrested, one person said to a reporter “no problem” as if they would be handled with kid gloves. Unfortunately, handcuffs are not made of anything other than metal and if they think that they’ll be treated like kings in jail, they are mistaken.

Finally, my message to the “truckers” is for them to shut the fuck up and go home. They are fucking annoying and the more they keep going, the less I and others across the country actually believe in what they are saying. To those who do believe, you’re stupid and need to be taken to a Country, where they are ruled by tyranny. Drop them in China, or Syria, maybe even Russia and see how they would survive there under such dictatorships as those countries. By the way, The Emergency Act is only in Affect for 30 days, much like vaccine and mask mandates are meant to be temporary, because of the pandemic and the high numbers of hospitalization and new cases every day. Things are getting better, not thanks to The alleged freedom convoy, but thanks to the rest of us who actually did what had ben ecommended to us. I hate masks too, except that my favourite band wears them, as a part of their stage garb. As for vaccines, I’m chickenshit when it comes to needles, but I went ahead and got the vaccine anyway. Why? Because I want us to get back to normal life and these trucker bozos don’t. These clowns are selfish pricks. They need to be silenced before they cause harm to not only democracy, but Canada and the population. Comparing Justin Trudeau to Adolf Hitler, is wrong and Justin Trudeau should never ever paint conservatives with the same brush, as he fired back at Transport Critic Melissa Lantsman (I’m paraphrasing here) The conservatives are willing to support those who have swastikas. That is also wrong and he should apologize, but he won’t and neither will the right wing douche bags involved with this occupation, stand down. They are all in the wrong on this and I am loathed to even think of voting in the next federal election, is it is extreme on both sides of the political fence, with no middle ground. So, what are they gonna do about it? The answer is nothing.

Freedom Fighter

Hi folks. Today I want to talk about freedom fighters, because the term seems to be an oxymoron, similar to The phrase “right to life”, meaning it’s some people’s rights to decide who will live or die. Another phrase to look at is “civil war”. Can you really have a civil war, where two factions are fighting and then they apologize to each other afterwards? Now that civility and in no way, is it a true war, where people are pitted against each other and one side tries to kill the other.

So let’s ask the question what are freedom fighters? What the hell are freedom fighters fighting? … … Freedom?” They would have to be in a logical sense. Right?

I think that George Carlin said it best when he joked, “if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight”? They say they’re fighting for freedom, but that goes against the context of the word freedom fighter. They’re fighting for freedom? No, they’re fighting against our freedom and fighting for their own personal freedoms from regulation and The rule of law. That’s why George carlin joked that Contra killers were called freedom fighters. These killers were fighting for their freedom and that’s why. Freedom fighters is just another euphemism, for either a trucker convoy protester, or a Contra killer. If you don’t believe me, listen to this classic George Carlin routine from 1990.

It’s simply bending and torturing the English language to their own benefit. These convoy protesters are not fighting for your freedom or mine, it’s for their freedom from the rule of law. They don’t care if all COVID restrictions are lifted, as it means nothing to these people. It’s all about freedom from laws and regulations. That’s what freedom fighters fight, they fight against our freedom and for their own. I don’t care if I’m right or wrong, because that’s how I see it.

A Voice Of Reason

Finally, in the middle of convoy chaos and other crap happening in Canada right now, a voice of reason.

His name is Joel Lightbound and he is a liberal member of parliament in Quebec, whi has done the right thing, in pointing out what is wrong with how we are doing in Canada, with current COVID-19 measures and mandates. Things seem to be going the other way and not toward living a normal life. Take a listen and then, what do you think?

Stream on

Hi folks. Yesterday I watched a video on YouTube with musicians talking about Spotify, which has been in the news lately, because of Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and others who remove them selves from the streaming service, because of Joe Rogan. In case you didn’t know, Spotify’s only reason for existence is streaming, while Apple provides it’s own Apple Music streaming service, along with Amazon and YouTube. Although in the case of YouTube, one app streams video, while the other streams audio and more specifically, music. Altho, if you do not have Youtube Music Premium, you only hear music videos and you have to deal with hearing adds and having your phone unlocked all the time. With Premium, you are able to listen to music normally, as if you bought it from iTunes with no ads and you can hear the album versions of songs, which have been released as singles and or music videos. Plus, you can lock your screen. How cool is that? The other 2 services exist for much more, such as Apple with Smart phones, battery packs, computers, tablets, along with Amazon and it’s shopping service.

With Spotify, it’s all playlists unless you have the premium version and only then can you add Albums to your library and listen to them normally, as if you had purchased an album from iTunes. You also can not upgrade to Premium from iTunes, like you can with Youtube Music, which I find completely dumb. I mean, if you are going to provide an iOS app, why not allow users to upgrade to a better version through iTunes, as apposed to having to jump through hoops in order to get more out of your streaming service?

As for the video, 6 musicians all talked about Spotify and its pros and cons, along with how some of them feel about the CEO. The comments which had stood out for me came from Jean Simmons of Kiss, who has been going on about how rock ‘n’ roll is dead and how streaming is killing the music industry. His belief is that those who use streaming services have been trained not to buy music and he compares it to going to the grocery store and taking as much product as you want, without paying for it. Granted, he does make a point and I agree with him up to the monthly fee, which is provided for those who want the premium service. I personally will pay for Youtube Music and this allows me to not just listen to music, but also download it onto my iPhone if I wish. Now that I think of it, that is the main perk with Spotify too, if you have the premium version. My wish is that what I pay each month would go to all of the musicians in my Library, but unfortunately that’s not the case. I believe that any and all musicians in my Library, should get a piece of what I pay each month and not just for what I decide to listen to, for 30 seconds of a song. That’s the other thing too, if you listen to a song for less than 30 seconds no one gets paid. However, if you listen to a song past 30 seconds money comes in to the artist, as well as the record company. I always try to listen to 30 seconds of each song I come across, whether I like it or not because musicians are human beings like us. Right?

Anyway, here is the video from yesterday.

Speaking for myself, I subscribe to YouTube music premium and this brings up one thing that Gene Simmons had forgotten about in his speech… the nomenal monthly fee to those who use Spotify Premium, Apple Music, or (as I had mentioned) YouTube Music Premium in order to stream music. I would rather do that then not pay to listen to music, just for the sake of it. Besides, that fee provides a huge Buffay of music that you can listen to, without restrictions and in the case of some streaming services, without having to listen to ads all the time.

I also still buy music on iTunes and I’m probably one of the few rock fans who does… that I know of. I still like the adventure and the hunt for new music by an artist that I like and in some cases, for new bands which I may here somewhere and I use streaming services as a test case, to see if I like what I hear. If I do, I buy it if finances allow.

Back to Gene Simmons for a moment, if you want to have real fans hear your music and not the average person (who probably hears Kiss and moves on to the next song on the radio), why not pull your songs from radio? After all, we are hearing Kiss for free and the music is not free. Right? After all the time in the studio and the countless hours writing songs, I think that Kiss should go that route. Remove all songs from radio and only allow The Kiss Army to hear your music, or any person who actually wishes to buy it on iTunes or physically? As for streaming services, monthly fee if they want to hear Kiss. If you’re going to go after free music, go after radio too and besides, you are okay and you don’t need to be played on either a traditional radio, or a radio app in order to get your music out there. People know who Kiss is and so, why do you need to be played on the radio anymore? Take it off the air and only allow your music into the hands of people who will buy it.

As for this whole Spotify controversy, who cares? I don’t use it and frankly I could give a rats ass. If it affected me with my use of YouTube Music, or iTunes, that’s a different story but for now, I am safe and could give less than a shit.

The elitists

Hi folks. It’s the second day of my convoy post and I’m here to declare that these people are elitist. Yes, I call them elitist along with the conservative politicians who support them, those in Ottawa making the decisions on how to run Canada, those who are in opposition to the government and those who control what is going on over all, pulling the puppet strings. This goes right on down from Canada Unity to the Federal Government and her Majesty’s loyal opposition. You keep this going, because you can and you could care less about the provinces, municipalities and the average citizens, who have to deal with this bullshit. I’m going to say it right now, you’re not getting my vote in the next federal election, because of your elitism and your indifference toward regular people, who are not in power and who may not have a platform from which to spout either anger, or elation for what is going on. I don’t count social media as a platform, because it depends on who is following you at the time. This blog is my platform from where I can get on my soapbox and yell and scream, about all the shit going on in the world.

So, what can we do about these elitists? As for the political elitist, not much we can do except vote them out of office during the next Federal election in Canada. As for the others, all we can do is attack through social media and any other platform we have, in order for what we say to reach others outside of where we live. I publish this blog and post it on Twitter and Facebook and then, let’s see what happens. Some people may discover this post or not and others may actually like what I’ve posted. Does this make me famous? I wish it did, so I can be as much of an elitist as these occupiers in Ottawa and other major Canadian cities. Granted, some are protesting but it’s an occupation in Ottawa now and the elitist politicians wanna keep this going for as long as possible, to make our Prime Minister (who is also an elitist) look bad. I’d rather it get ugly and those elitists be arrested and put in prison, where it won’t be all cushy. As for Canada Unity and that elitist group, find them and disrupt them, to the point of having to beg for change. I have no love for any elitist group of people, including most politicians and activist groups, who only care about themselves and not the every man and woman. This goes for Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and other agitators, who don’t give a shit about you or me. You are all elitists and you suck.

Canada Unity and Depopulation

Hi folks. The past 9 days has been crazy for Canada, with a trucker convoy occupying Ottawa, rolling into Toronto and other cities across the country, as well as a political leader being ousted by his own party. For the purpose of this blog post, I want to focus on the convoy and what I honestly believe the reason for it happening actually is, rather than what we’ve been Led to believe. We’ve been told some of what I’m about to say, but I believe that there is more to the plans of the people behind what is happening across Canada right now. So, buckle up.

Now that we’ve had a week and change to go through the trucker convoy in parts of Canada, what does this really mean? Who are the people behind this alleged freedom convoy? What freedoms do they actually want, as opposed to what they’ve told us that they want to happen, in order for them to surrender?

We’ve been told initially that this is all about the COVID-19 vaccine mandates for both Canada and the US, which concerns truckers and their ability to get across the border. Was it really that, or something more sinister? The answer is the latter and it’s all funded by a group called Canada Unity. They are made up of a bunch of parties, who are not of the main stream and who have been egged on by some conservative party members on the extreme right, in order to keep things going. Basically, there idea is to end all COVID-19 vaccine mandates, overthrow the government and instead have an unelected citizens Committee, consisting of the governor general, The Senate and their members. Basically, the idea is to depopulate Canada and only have Canada consist of a population with people who are born perfect. This means there are no disabled people, of any kind living in their Canada. This also will probably apply to those who Live with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and other things which make life more challenging to some. That’s what I believe their main goal is and they won’t tell you this, because they want to make it about the vaccine mandates, in order to coerce you towards their cause. Now this should show you how dangerous the convoy movement in Canada really is. If you don’t see that, wake the fuck up .

Canada Unity and others like them worship Donald Trump and his White supremacist flock of sheep, who are loyal to him to a fault. Basically, everything I’ve said that they really want to do is what I believe that Trump and his brainwashed minions wanted for the US. These people want to have Canada all to themselves and put everyone who is living outside their elitist group under a dictatorial surveillance. For example: could you imagine having your social media being monitored, all Internet activity being monitored, all your text messages, phone calls, FaceTime calls, zoom calls, etc., being watched by a group of Donald Trump lovers? This is 1984 folks and if you don’t see this coming, wake up and tell the world what is going on. Listen to political podcasts in Canada, which have episodes which focus on the convoy (in part) and do a Google search on Canada Unity, who have what is called a memorandum of understanding, which lays out all of what I had said without the depopulation part. That’s what they are not saying, or what the media is not telling you what they really want to do because it’s too scary. These people hate disabled people, they hate that we are free, they want to be free and have everybody else under dictatorship. If you don’t see that, wake up and start tweeting about it and focus on the more extreme part about the depopulation of Canada. Then, maybe this will poke a whole in the group and make them either change tactics, or run and hide like the cowards they really are.

Something else to think about is how the illuminati figure into this. Are the funders of this march toward an Orwellian future in Canada, who are a part of the Canada Unity group members and, of what illuminati group are they? They certainly can not be a part of CFR (the Council on Foreign Relations). Maybe it’s a new group probably called Council on Domestic Relations, or CDR. Besides the Go Fund Me page there has to be some other source bringing money in, in order to keep this going. Maybe this is being stage managed by somebody on the inside. I don’t know, but this question needs to be asked, as to why they are doing this and why in a country like Canada, who are generally nice people. .

I’m going to come right out and say it, that I believe that the protesters/ occupiers in Ottawa, The politicians who support them from their cushy offices and the politicians who are either in power or in opposition, who may or may not support them are all elitists. They can sit on their asses and chirp all they wish and oh yeah, I’m going to put Canada Unity in the same pot, as whom ever is controlling the money and pulling the strings is probably sitting in a nice house, along with other activists. Yes, you are all elitists and can afford to do what ever you want without consequences and having to miss a day of work, unlike the rest of us who can work, who can’t work from home and who have to make the commute, putting up with gridlock and now these occupations of major cities in Canada.

I wish to comment on the desecration of Terry Fox. Why was this done? Simply because it’s symbolic to this group, as Terry fox was born perfect and because one of his legs was amputated, he was imperfect from then on. This includes his marathon across Canada using an artificial leg, along with the leg he was born with in order to run. To Canada Unity, this can not be so and they hate any and all people, who aren’t born perfect and who do not remain whole throughout their lives. If that troubles you and you support the protests, it’s time to change your mind and rally against these elitists, who only care about their own freedom and not the rest of us. Do you want a dystopian society, where those who are born imperfect are made fun of and forced to do shitty jobs? I mean actual shitty jobs where you have to get your hands dirty all fucking day and make hardly any money from doing the work?

In fact, there are some who rely on public transit to get around and the fact that these assholes have forced police to block off certain sections is totally uncalled for, as we are still in a pandemic and I believe that these elitists don’t even care about that. They only want to occupy and wreck Canada. Even if they actually don’t, I refuse to believe anything other than what I’m saying here, because these people should be in the shoos of the average commuter and even better, one who may be disabled and has to find alternate ways to get around, which may not be safe. However, nobody will challenge them on it and they will continue to occupy cities until hell freezes over. Prove me wrong!

Having said all that, I’m for ending COVID-19 public health measures and I only got the vaccine because it’s the right thing to do. I’m generally not in favour of vaccines, but in this case I got mine because our economy and our livelihoods are at stake here. However, ending all vaccine mandates is something I wouldn’t mind happening either, but none of the cost of freedom for everybody. Remember, these people want freedom, but it’s really only for them to do as they please, which could include all of the 10 Commandments in the Bible. To them, thow shal’t not kill, thow shal’t not steal, thow shal’t not bear false witness, would be the exact opposite under them and for them only. They can steal, murder, cheat and lie, but everybody else who is not them and their elitist group simply cannot.

If you think I am crazy, remember that these people worship Trump Extremeism and because he felt he could do what he wanted, so do these people. Basically, Trump felt the law does not apply to him and the same goes for them to. In fact, there is no law for them and they can do whatever they want to whomever they please without consequence. So, are you in favour of the convoys now? If you are, there’s no hope for you and if you are not, let people know what you’ve been reading here and by the way, take a listen to this podcast, which has some of what I’ve been talking about in regards to Canada Unity and this episode was published last week.

One more thing, fuck the Convoy and fuck everything it stands for.these “protesters” have forced police to close roads and most are used for people who take public transit. It may be a shock to some of these assholes, but there are people who have no choice in the matter, as taking public transit is their only way to get around the city. Obviously, because they are born perfect, they don’t care about those who have been born defective (in their view). I appen to be one who is in this situation and the fact that these assholes decide to protest in Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec city and other major cities across Canada, shows that they don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves. Fuck the convoy and fuck them. #fucktheconvoy