Category Archives: Bilderberg

Puppet Master

Folks, I have a quick question for you. I mentioned early into the pandemic there is a secret meeting called Bilderberg and their annual meetings, about what events will happen from June of the current year, to the next meeting in June of the following year. The current anti-government convoys are such an event! My question is, who in these convoys attended the meeting? Which Illuminati member is funding the convoys throughout the world and pulling the strings, as to when they start and end?

Media commentators and political pundits are saying that this is not a grassroots effort and that there is someone behind the scenes, funding convoys, such as the current Canadian Convoy and Ottawa Ontario! Who in any of these groups involved is an illuminati member? Was it Donald Trump himself who started all this? I mention him because, conservative politicians are cheering these people on and I bet that Mr. Trump is also as happy as a feline, about these alleged grassroots people standing up to the man, about COVID-19 vaccine mandates for truckers and the hope that all vaccine mandates will end . I wanna know, because I wanna know who is the shit head behind all this lawlessness and pulling the strings for these puppets.

These people say there is no leader, but there are some people who speak for them and speak on various social media platforms, which are accessible to the media. They will occasionally speak to main stream media, but there is one puppet master pulling the strings. Who is he or she? No, I’m not gonna believe that it’s any of the names we have heard mentioned, who shall remain nameless in this blog. They are not the leaders, as they have no leader. The only leader is someone at the top, who is the puppet master and probably some rich billionaire to, who is also silent. Who are they and will they reveal themselves? If people wanna get into conspiracy theories, this is the ultimate conspiracy theory that these people in their trucks, doing blockades and being a general pain in the ass, are being manipulated by one such puppet master Illuminati member and I wanna know who What is their role in our daily lives and who else do they control, to keep us either entertained, or moving?. What other skulduggery could be going on that we don’t know about? Are they a member of Skull and Bones, or some other secret society? I’m just asking!

The System Has Intentionally Failed Us

Hi folks. I have one more post for you and I’m done. The reason is, our systems have intentionally failed. Before people start panicking, I have this to say about our leaders in office right now. They are all… inept and ill-equipped to deal with something like this, just as we are. Why? Because, this is all a Bilderberg crisis.

For those who may not know, or are not hip to conspiracy theories, Bilderberg is a name of a group of high ranking people throughout the world, who control all of us, every day we sleep in….and get out of bed. The meetings take place in June each year and all events and crises (planned to amuse themselves) are set up at these meetings for the next 12 months. What we are going through now, is probably something which was planned by any or all of the following participants from various fields: political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia and the media. If you wish to know more, here is the Wikipedia article on their meetings and yes, this is pretty accurate, from what I’ve heard in the past about what they do.

So, Bilderberg certainly ticks all of the boxes for COVID-19 and the fact that a bunch of CEO’s have stepped down. Even Bill gates has stepped down from Microsoft. I wonder why that is…. I muse sarcastically. I think we all know now, that he and others may have been at the last meeting and was told, or had planned to step down at a certain date.

Also, this FB post from a friend reflects my sentiments on this and, from yesterday’s post on how I have zero confidence in any of my political leaders, or any political leaders in the Western world. Because, they are all puppets and they are told what to say, when to say it and when to enact measures.

“In lieu of the offensive, inaccurate and, above all, pointless for any purpose other than to give our current administration someone to blame or give tiny, pointless human beings with no way to affect their own life in a positive manner a way to feel better about themselves whilst the bars they belly up to in order to forget about their own pathetic lives remain closed, term “Chinese virus”, I propose we brand this crisis for the head of the administration responsible for our system of healthcare and testing, a system so incredibly fantastic that Norway actively doesn’t want to either be or sit within six feet of us. I propose that we refer to this disease as … Captain Trumps. Not a fan of The Stand? No problem. Trump Virus goes well with Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump “University” and that awful Trump Network, an MLM company he endorsed that would trade your pee for a custom vitamin supplement (yeah that wasn’t exactly … flush with profit either, as it were).”

I get what he is saying but, I would go a billion steps further and rename it the Bilderberg Virus, named after the group of high-ranking people who control our lives every day. COVID-19 sounds stupid and naming it coronavirus, is offensive (Euphoniously) to those who drink corona beer. So, I’m going to refer to this disease as Bilderberg from now on, in my mind and to anyone who reads this post. There is nothing more I need to say about this, because this is all planned, the system is rigged and we are all being conditioned by a group, who has no love for us as average people. We are nothing more than Eloi and they are the Morlocks, who breed and control everybody, including the media in order to frighten the defenceless population. This includes political leaders and other experts, who also did not attend. So, to my fellow Eloi, goodbye for now and I’ll be back, after this crisis blows over and the Morlocks have allowed us to be normal again.