Category Archives: freedom fighter

Freedom Fighter

Hi folks. Today I want to talk about freedom fighters, because the term seems to be an oxymoron, similar to The phrase “right to life”, meaning it’s some people’s rights to decide who will live or die. Another phrase to look at is “civil war”. Can you really have a civil war, where two factions are fighting and then they apologize to each other afterwards? Now that civility and in no way, is it a true war, where people are pitted against each other and one side tries to kill the other.

So let’s ask the question what are freedom fighters? What the hell are freedom fighters fighting? … … Freedom?” They would have to be in a logical sense. Right?

I think that George Carlin said it best when he joked, “if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight”? They say they’re fighting for freedom, but that goes against the context of the word freedom fighter. They’re fighting for freedom? No, they’re fighting against our freedom and fighting for their own personal freedoms from regulation and The rule of law. That’s why George carlin joked that Contra killers were called freedom fighters. These killers were fighting for their freedom and that’s why. Freedom fighters is just another euphemism, for either a trucker convoy protester, or a Contra killer. If you don’t believe me, listen to this classic George Carlin routine from 1990.

It’s simply bending and torturing the English language to their own benefit. These convoy protesters are not fighting for your freedom or mine, it’s for their freedom from the rule of law. They don’t care if all COVID restrictions are lifted, as it means nothing to these people. It’s all about freedom from laws and regulations. That’s what freedom fighters fight, they fight against our freedom and for their own. I don’t care if I’m right or wrong, because that’s how I see it.