Category Archives: essential

The Essential Things

If the COVID-19 pandemic should have taught us one thing, it is that there are things in life which are essential. This includes: air, water, food, shelter, Internet (as of a few years ago), currency, the right to live in a safe and free environment, safe access to public transit for all, love, our friends and loved ones, communication with the outside world, literacy (as far as I’m concerned), general health as well as healthcare and mail delivery. Unfortunately, there are some people who have power who do not agree with that and have decided to stop mail delivery to some places such as apartment buildings (such as the one in which I live ) for whatever reason. Apparently, we learn from our mistakes and we repeat them in a different way, especially if we have some amount of power over a bunch of people.

I’ve talked about this in the past, but I have not received mail in my door in my building for a while now and I was told by someone who is elected by citizens of the city I live in, that door-to-door delivery would return and there will be an elevator in service For the mail carriers. Also, mail will be delivered twice a week. So far, nothing except on at least one day in the past few weeks and I have not received a single envelope addressed to me since that particular day.

Why is that, why is this going on and why has mail delivery stopped, after I was told that it would commence? Something is wrong if The City believes that mail delivery is not essential for all and that despite the prevalence of email, snail mail is now irrelevant. Not so fast folks, because there are things that still need to be delivered which is physical such as: bank statements and other envelopes which are addressed to us from the government, whether it is federal, municipal, provincial or otherwise. Some people receive monthly statements because they are on disability and some people may have direct deposit, but others may not. I do, but it does not mean that delivery to me should stop with the monthly Disability statements or anything else addressed to me for that matter. It is as essential as food, water, air, Internet, Anything else which keeps me and anyone reading this alive for that matter.

I’m not just blowing smoke or ranting and raving for the sake of those things and what is happening is true and it’s clearly detrimental. Because, if this continues long enough this could result in needless evictions of resident from buildings for no reason whatsoever, because they did not receive the latest Disability statement when renewing their rental lease For the following 12 months. Why is that allowed to happen? Basically, mail has been withheld from me and withholding mail as far as I know is wrong, just like delivering it to the wrong address. If you’ve watched the Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street, it is mentioned right there in the body of the film near the end in court, just before the bags of mail are brought in. Again, why is this being allowed to happen? This is dangerous and above all, criminal. I have the right to receive my mail and I shouldn’t have to go down to the lobby, in order to get it, because it is not anybody elses business what I have and I don’t trust that people may not be looking at the mail, other than the mail carrier. As I said in an earlier post, by default people who live in housing may be unhinged in varying degrees of mental illness, because of either addiction, schizophrenia or even something as simple as ageing. Not everyone mind you, but just enough people in here that make me question the mental stability of the overall general population of where I live and Weather they may have other ideas, with the help of other personalities in their heads. I was told specifically, that because I’m blind I would receive mail in my door and have I? Nope.

I have emailed my city Councillor about this and again, if you are reading this and you have power, please make this a part of what you do Weather it is a talkshow, or whatever it is that will get the word out that in some parts of the world, mail is not being delivered to those who should receive it. In other words, mail delivery is seen as being nonessential because something may have happened in an apartment building to a male carrier, while making their rounds. Last time I checked, Mail is as essential as other necessities of life And the same with News. Without News, we become ignorant and we become more malleable. How does that move society forward? So, let’s stop farting around and give the mail to those who must receive it immediately, whether it is email or physical mail. There are no ifs, ands, or Butts in this matter because Mail is important and is essential and without mail delivery to those who need it delivered to them, there goes a Domino effect again which could result in the eventual eviction of residence from a building, for no good reason. Is that what we want? well.. … is it? The answer is an emphatic yes, because everything I said is essential is not essential for the masses to those who have infinite power and infinite wealth. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, even though I used to be into that stuff years ago. It’s just that creating a crisis in order to fix a crisis is going about things the wrong way and withholding mail delivery from people is exactly what I’m talking about. To put it another way, The people who decided to do this have created a wound and if the wound bleeds long enough, the patient will die. That’s what the eviction signifies, the death of the patient. I and everybody else in this building I live in are the patient and the wound has not been bandaged so, put a Band-Aid on it and let’s get back to delivering mail to everybody, no matter who they are, or who they think they are in their heads. Mail delivery is not a privilege, it’s a right and we have every right to receive both physical and digital mail such as email. Need I say more?

One more thing, whom ever supports this decision to have stopped mail delivery door-to-door to any and all citizens, should burn in hell. Mail is essential for all of us in order to receive information and other things which are important, such as health or any other government issued mail, or anything else for that matter from our friends and loved ones which cannot be delivered digitally and are therefore, physical. This also includes clothing and a T-shirt I received earlier this year (much my delight) thankfully before this happened. So, let’s fix this so we can all get our mail again and stop this uncertainty and there is no need for projects. Mail delivery is not a project it is simple, to just get the mail through to the person it is addressed to. How difficult is that? If you have an answer, go ahead and try because whatever you answer is, will be wrong. It is not difficult as long as we have male carriers (both men and women) doing the legwork and hiding the mail under a cloak of security is also wrong. Mail should be delivered to the person who should receive it and that’s it. No special projects, nothing else but get the mail through with no questions asked and no barriers.