A Hate Letter To COVID

Dear COVID-19,

I am writing this letter to you, to say how resentful I am, that you have up-ended our society and have made governments encroach on rights and freedoms, in order to protect us from you. You have changed how we interact with each other, by keeping us apart physically and making us afraid of one and other, in feer that the next person to us has you, or any of your variants. I can’t forget about zoom and how it has risen, thanks to you. I’ve hated zoom from the very start and I don’t use it all that often, even though I have the app. I long for the days when I can go out and mingle with other people again, without the fear of spreading you around, but thanks to government ineptities, you’ve been allowed to thrive and either sicken or kill people.

You have caused chaos in the world’s markets and how business has had to adapt to your spread. You have not only destroyed lives, but livelihoods as you have rampaged around the world. You have ben the top story in the news and everything has had to revolve around how you have taken over our lives. I hope you are enjoying it, because I am hopefull that this will end, as you get pushed to the sidelines by other issues, which affect those you are trying to infect and kill.

As a Global citizen, I take your spread personally despite that I haven’t tested positive for you yet. I don’t want you in me and I want you away from me and my friends. Unfortunately, some of my friends have been infected by you and you have either: caused fatigue, exacerbated various disorders and disabilities, or just made people sick with what could be described as something like the flu. I’ve had such illnesses in the past and I don’t want your kind in my body, as you could cause damage to my lungs, or mental damage in that I could be afraid to be around people, worse than I could be now. I’m not afraid, but I am staying away as much as I can, because I don’t want you to take over my immune system and fuck it up, or even worse.

You have also killed, or cause the illnesses of famous people and some of whom I have admired. When I heard that at least 6 or more of my favourite musicians have tested positive, the news was multiple gut punches, as there’s people I have been fans of for many years. For example: a singer has suffered lung damage, another singer in a masked metal band has been the sickest in his life (despite being fully vaccinated against you), while a guitarist in another of my favourite bands had recently tested positive and had gone through something, which could be described as a very bad flu. They credit surviving you, because of being triple-vaccinated and they have gone on to social media, to talk about what you have done inside their immune system.

You have even caused the death of businesses such as bus companies, restaurants, concert venues, etc. This includes small businesses and a major company in Canada, who have provided a travel option by bus across the country for decades. What’s the big idea?

Why can’t you leave us alone and let us get on with our lives? You disruptor of societies! I hate you and I wish that you could be eradicated, but the governments we have are too chicken to actually try and stop you from spreading and only want to slow you down. Obviously, that’s not good enough and as long as our inept leaders do the bare minimum required, to stop you I can see that you will continue to cause havoc with our society and depopulate the planet as best you can.

So, what are our leaders going to do about you at present and in the future? Besides the mixed-messaging and Government encroachment, hardly nothing at all, because they want to cover their asses in order to get reelected and they will only do what is convenient for them, to save themselves from being soundly defeated in the polls. They want to prop up the economy, while the world is burning and they don’t want to actually stop you, by making us all get vaccinated (whether we like it or not) and with multiple jabs too. Sadly, vaccination is not mandatory and because of this, you continue to spread and win battles against helpless, or stupid citizens who refuse to get immunized or wear masks. As for those who cannot get vaccinated because they’re allergic to certain things in the current vaccines, maybe the vaccine makers should tweak the vaccines, so that they do not have what could be bad for those individuals, instead of protecting everybody from you. However, if they absolutely can not get the jab, it’s understandable. However, there would have to be a legitimate doctors note if people can’t get the jabedy-jab. I hope you’re satisfied with what you are doing to ruin human society and my guess is that you aren’t done yet and won’t be finished, until a super-vaccine comes along that can protect us against all coronavirus is and sadly, I don’t know how many years away that could be.

What should our leaders be doing, along with public health officials? Simply, aggressively vaccinate everybody and if they refuse to get the jab, tough shit. We need our lives and our economy to be thriving again and the longer that people refuse to go and get the needle, the longer this pandemic will drag on and on. As for when we should al get the shots and even the boosters, I think it should be a week before the recommended time between jabs. The point is to agressively attack you and give us our lives and freedoms again. However, our leaders are too afraid to do the right thing and they will instead do it half-assed, by using encroachment on Rights and freedoms. For example: in the province of Ontario we are under a vaccine certificate program and it involves a QR code. When we get vaccinated we have to get the QR code, in order to get the future doses and you can’t say no either. If our governments want to play that way, they should make getting vaccines mandatory, without any way of opting out. Instead, you can get the vaccine but you have to get the QR code or else you are left behind. If you are going to encroach on our rights and freedoms, this one I would agree with in order to get our lives back. There should be no buying in with getting the vaccines and everyone should be getting the big ouch in a timely manner, with notifications by either text message or email… at least a day to a week before the scheduled appointed needle. Presumably, our emails are on file with public health and it’s not that hard, to make sure that everybody gets there first, second, third, or fourth shot and we can be closer than ever before, to getting back to normal. The sooner that this happens, the sooner we can go back to something similar to the way we were, along with taking off the masks. By the way, the only way to opt out of getting future vaccines and the QR code is suicide. I have no wish to kill myself and I want us to get going as a society again.

Speaking of masks, I don’t mind it only because one of my favourite bands sport them as a part of their stage garb. The trouble is that the masks we have been wearing are basically pieces of shit, which are only three ply and allow you in. If we all wore death masks it would be much more appropriate, because you have caused both illness and death. Even masks we have been directed to purchase aren’t good enough, because of the masks which most of us can afford are leaky and invite you in, to infect us. Some people refer to these masks as face diapers and I agree. That’s why I’m saying that we should all be wearing death masks, because the idea is to keep us away from each other and what could be more horrifying then tons of people walking down the street, wearing plaster on our faces, which are shaped to our individual mugs? Nothing, because it would most certainly repel us from each other and that’s the whole idea.

As for you, you are nothing but a killer. You’re lucky you’re not a person because you should be charged with murder and be locked away for the rest of your life, without any chance of parole or being let out because of good behavior. No matter what conspiracy theorists think, or what the mass media says is true, you are dangerous and should be exterminated, like a bug or any other type of household pests. I repeat, our governments are too chickenshit to do anything about you in order to stop your spread and Mandatory vaccination should be The only way out and if we have to overdose, so be it. There are too many breakthrough infections and you have been allowed to spread among us, because some people refuse to get the needle. I’m afraid of needles too, but I wanted the vaccine because I want our lives back and for you to be out of our lives.

As for our leaders around the world, get off your asses and make vaccination mandatory for this murderous virus. We should all write to our members of parliament, City counsellors, our mayors, prime Ministers and presidents and demand that COVID vaccination be mandatory, in order to get the world back on its feet again and, in order for us to get our lives back, as well as getting close to each other like we were before. Besides, some of us are huggers and I’m one of them, as I really miss getting and giving hugs. However, I refuse any and all squeezes until the all clear has been given, that you are no longer a threat to our lives. The only squeeze I want is for you to be squeezed out of our lives and be nothing more, than an occasional illness. By the way, in case you’re wondering the reason I want vaccines to be mandatory is because of this new Omicron variant and the more jabs we get, the better off we are going to be.

This brings me to how you have divided us, and that on one side we have those who are for masks and vaccines and on the other, those who aren’t. The same is true with lockdowns! I don’t like lockdowns, but if we actually want to eradicate you we have to do something drastic in order to choke you out. The trouble with lockdowns is that the Economy could take a real beating and we get cabin fever. Why not have a lock down during the winter months and forget about winter activities for the time being, until Covid has been eliminated or put under control? Sadly, people do not even consider this idea, as they want to get back on with their lives and I understand that. However, we have to consider the consequences of this and most people don’t and you take it vantage of that ignorance, among our leaders and those who do not think before acting.

As for the anti-vaccers and anti-maskers, fuck them and fuck you, for sparking the pandemic and these people to crawl out of their underground wholes and pollute society, with their thoughts. They should be vaccinated by force and if they protest, fuck ’em and fuck anyone else who foots the cash to support these morons. They are in favour of depopulating the planet and letting you do your murderous work, on humankind, until nobody is left. They believe that the earth is flat and that the New World order is in evitable, because of the pandemic. Maybe it is, but these people are only hastening it and you are no help either, by simply spreading among us.

As for your Origin, I can’t see us finding out who was patient zero and whether they are dead or not. I’m all for the scientists doing what they can to find out anything they can about you, which they have done since March 11th 2020 and before then. It’s your fault that our lives have changed and we have changed along with them. You have made us afraid of each other, you have divided us from each other, you’ve overturn society, disrupted the world’s economy, killed or sickened millions of people around the world, caused a pandemic and protests against masks, vaccines and lockdowns and you have caused depression. You have caused mental illness to crop up and people to feel alone in the world and you have separated us from each other, because governments have panicked and people have been careless, in how they go about their day. Because of this, we have vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, kerbside pick up at various stores, along with the need to make an appointment in order to go shopping, among other measures we’ve taken in order to stop you from intruding. Do I like it? No, but I understand why we’re doing it and I hope that our Fraidy-cat governments will actually stand up to you and actually try to shut you out of our lives, as apposed to being all wishy-washy about it. Unfortunately, most government officials and citizens are afraid to stand up to you, our unseen enemy and are not willing to do what it takes, in order to actually stop the spread, as opposed to slow it down. Yes, we have the vaccines, but they seem like a band-Aid solution, because of getting booster shots after the vaccines have waned in their efficacy. I say, give us as many jabs as it will take to stop you from infecting us, so we can get back to being who we are, as social beings and without any barriers, such as vaccine passports. They have also been a reason for protesters and because our wimpy governments are not willing to risk overdose us on Covid vaccines, it will be more of the same until a miracle happens and you go away.

In conclusion, beat it, scram, vamoose, get lost, take a hike, take the long walk off a short pier, fuck off and leave us alone. I hate you and I wish you were dead. Hopefully our world leaders will get off their asses and actually do something definitive, to free us from your deadly spread. Otherwise, you will continue to murder people, with weak immune system’s and sicken others, who have stronger systems that can handle you or who have been inoculated against you. Go fuck yourself COVID-19! You are not a dear, but a big turd in the Punchbowl of life.

With anger and hatred, as well as resentment,

some guy in an apartment dwelling unit who wishes you would burn in hell

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